ABout Us
our pastor

Pastor Jirote Bongkotmart or "JR" was born in Thailand. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Operation Research (OR), Bible Studies, and a Master's degree in Servant Leadership from Seattle Bible College and a Doctorate degree of Transformational Leadership at Bakke Graduate University.
Pastor JR & Warinda "Sung" Bongkotmart have been married since 2002 and have two daughters: Jada and Jana. He has a passion to see people grow strongly in faith, love God and His word, love the Body of Christ and neighbors, and be willing to give their lives to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our church started with a home group. Holy Spirit moved and many accepted Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord that the house was no longer able to contain all the members. We moved from home church to Green Lake Community Center, and then Northway Square East Building at Northgate. In July 2015, God gave us a promise that He will bless us a church building.
Six years later in December 2021, God fulfilled His promise! We purchased a church building from a Chinese church in the Seattle area. Now we have found a place we called HOME in Seattle!

Hope International Ministries (H.I.M.)
Hope International Church Seattle is one of the Hope of God churches. Hope of God Church started in Thailand in 1981. Since then, many seemingly ordinary men and women have caught the vision to do the extraordinary for God in extending the frontiers of His Kingdom. Each one bears the same heartbeat to reach people with Christ’s transforming love by planting seed churches wherever they go. In 1989, the first church outside Thailand was planted.

Through the course of time, seed churches were planted in neighboring Asian cities and also in different countries across various continents. These international churches banded together and became known as Hope of God International (HGI).
In 2009, HGI was re-named Hope International Ministries (HIM). A contemporary approach was taken when we embarked on this change - reflecting our past strengths and embracing our future with the centrality of Christ as our foundation. Hence, we are aptly named HIM.
Our new name embraces a prevailing sense of global community that has been growing over the last two decades. We are trusting God’s Spirit to lead us into a new era of ministry!
Today, we are in over 120 locations across the world. Our churches are composed of people from diverse ethnic groups and cultures, all worshiping and serving God while enjoying meaningful relationships with one another. As a family of churches, we share a spiritual heritage of commitment to help each other fulfill the Great Commission by actively planting churches all over the world.
We are also part of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel as a community Church.